One day Matteas was being difficult about going down for a nap, and I needed an occupation for Jack so he wouldn't come bursting into my room at the critical moment. I had a Pottery Barn Kids catalog, so I set him on the couch with it and told him to look at it until I came out. Fifteen minutes later Matteas was asleep, and I came out to the livingroom to find Jack lying on his belly, chin resting on his hands, totally absorbed in his catalog. Since that day, he recognizes the catalog and asks to look at. This morning he was sharing it with Matteas, and they actually sat together for a good ten minutes. Jack would point at something and say "Oh Mom, I really want that for Christmas." Then Matteas would point at something and babble.

Jack and I have a Friday morning tradition: I try to sneak out of bed while Matteas sleeps, and Jack and I make muffins. Last week we made apple cinnamon, this morning it was banana walnut. I like to put walnuts just on top of the muffins before baking, so they come out toasted and buttery.

Jack's job, apart from pouring after I measure the ingredients, is to put the muffin papers into the muffin tin. This morning I awoke to him standing at my bedside and whispering, "Mom, can you get up and make muffins with me? I already put the muffin papers in, and we have bananas!"
Sometimes it doesn't work out, Matteas wakes up and I end up trying to keep Jack from adding inappropriate things to our mixing bowl while Matteas tries to climb into mixing bowl, but this morning it couldn't have gone any better. Jack did careful listening, even more careful pouring, and Matteas woke up at the exact moment I was sliding the muffins into the oven. It started raining like crazy, and the kitchen was warm and smelled like brown sugar and walnuts.
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