This year, Matteas was a grumpy bear. His costume was a little snug and he was not happy about it; surprisingly, he enjoyed having his nose painted.

Why go trick-or-treating when there's plenty of candy at Grandmas?

Jack was a stegasaurus. My mom made the costume for my brother Damien about 14 years ago, so it needed a little mending and a lot of hemming for Jack but we made it work. He didn't really enjoy wearing it though. When I picked him up from his school costume party he wasn't wearing it anymore, and his teacher explained that during circle time Jack began looking pail and seemed to be leaning over. She felt his head and said he was awfully warm, so she asked him if he wanted to take off his costume. The teacher keeps their classroom about75 degrees, and Jack always complains about his face and his feet getting too hot at school; a big black costume didn't help any.

Matteas on the prowl.
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