I'm not a person who likes a lot of decoration. At least, not on a daily basis. Come December, I put up lights and make wreaths and light candles like nobody's business, but on a normal day I find I prefer simplicity to embellishment. What looks like decoration to other people looks like clutter to me, and with two busy and curious little boys, decorations are often huge liabilities. However, I appreciate beautiful things, so lately I've tried to incorporate as much beauty as possible into my normal everyday things, rather than having the "useful" stuff be separate from the "decorative" stuff. One of my favorite innovations is the glass bottle I use for dish soap. The valve is a little irritating because the soap is too thick to flow out of it freely so I have to water down my dish soap quite a bit; this turns out to be a huge money-saver, as I've been on the same bottle of lavender dish soap for about six months now.

Despite my lack of English heritage, I drink a lot of tea. The little green pot is from my English mother-in-law, and it makes the perfect amount of tea for one; more than one cup, but a little less than two full ones. The pitcher I bought at Ross and the cup at a thrift store. I like small cups with narrow tops so my drink doesn't cool off too quickly.

Both of these little cups used to have candles in them. When the candle reached the end of its life, I scraped out as much wax as I could with a knife then used boiling water to get the rest out.

The tea container I use to keep baking soda in, and the red quinoa is in a recycle spaghetti jar.

This was a delicious canister of hot chocolate; when it was gone I covered it in paper and now I keep paint brushes in it. It's useful, beautiful, and economical; my favorite.
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