For Jack's birthday our friend Jamie gave him the
coolest present; a pop-up fort in the shape of Thomas the Tank Engine. Jack is always wanting to dismantle my couches to make a fort and it drives me nuts, so this fort(which folds flat for storage) is a brilliant solution. Matteas is also quite fond of it.

Matteas thinks it's better when it's tipped over.

As a teenager I had a brief rebellion during which I had a very bizarre impulse; when I saw an unattended traffic cone, I stole it. I stole a total of three from around the Seattle area and I've found all kinds of handy uses for them ever since. Plus Jack thinks it's super cool to have real construction cones to play with his tractors in the dirt. They also make very nice baseball tees.

This was Aaron's idea. As kids we used to push each other around in a laundry basket all the time, but Matteas can't sit up on his own yet so Aaron implemented the tub seat. The boys had a great time.

I'm pretty sure Matteas knows he's cute.

Matteas recognizes Aaron's voice over the phone. I don't know if I've ever seen a baby as in love with his Daddy as Matteas is. Jack loves Aaron now, but as a baby he preferred Mama. Matteas, however, gets rather excited about Aaron coming home from work and if he is not in his Daddy's arms in a matter of moments he disintegrates.

This is my Uncle Zsolt, one of the coolest guys in the world.

Jack is in a horrible place with his napping. Normally he goes to bed at eight p.m. and wakes at eight a.m., which is a pretty nice cycle. But that's without a nap. If he naps he won't fall asleep until around ten, which doesn't make for a very nice evening. If he doesn't nap though, he is in a terrible mood from about 3 p.m. until bed time. I let him nap last week and to make sure he awoke cheerfully, I crept into his room and slipped Matteas into his bed. Both of the boys thought it was pretty cool, they really like snuggling each other.

Matteas has gotten rather aggressive about wanting to participate in dinner lately, so the other night Aaron let him suck on a green bean. He mashed it between his gums(no teeth yet) until it was limp and lifeless. I didn't think he got anything out of it, but his morning diaper the next day contained ample evidence to the contrary.
1 comment:
I love Matteas eating. "Green bean, what green bean?"
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