It was crazy to be digging out the snow clothes today, but it was kind of a cozy surprise. We went to Costco this week so we were well stocked with food, and after some sledding and snowman building we came in and made hot chocolate. Still, I can't believe that this time last week it was over 70 degrees. I find it highly appropriate that I was born in April; sometimes, stuff just comes out of nowhere.

Once a week, Sonia picks up Jack and takes him to a gymnastics class she found nearby and he absolutely loves it. At home he says, "You be Coach Brittany and I'll do reenastics." On Wednesday Aaron had the day off, so we decided to all go to gymnastics together and watch. Jack was pretty squirelly, but he did really well. Afterwards Jack went to Sonia's and Aaron and I went to the mall, where we partook of absolutely perfect lattes and Aaron bought me a really cute shirt before the rampant consumerism got to us and we had to flee.

Jack decided his hat was too itchy, so he found his hood, stuck it on and pronounced himself ready for the snow.

The dishpan in the grass last week was such a success that we decided to do it again, but since it was too cold outside we staged it in the kitchen. Matteas and the floor both got very clean.

I'm happy to say that I'm almost rid of all the purple in my kitchen. I'm not sure how to handle the walls yet since there's a disgusting backsplash made of badly painted tile surrounding the countertops. I sanded off some of the paint and discovered that the tile, like everything in this house, was multicolored. Specifically, green, pink and white. The green actually would have been pretty if it had been the only color, but I knew that was too much to hope for from this house.

And now, I almost like my kitchen. It feels a lot bigger with the lighter cabinets.
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