This book was my birthday present from Aaron. The crazy looking rainbow-colored book behind it was my gift to myself, as were the chocolates and the little "Be Happy" book. The little stamp kit was for Jack. I think I'm beginning to understand the appeal of being "crafty;" there's not a lot of finality to the sense off accomplishment that comes from motherhood. So much of what we do must be done ten times a day and is undone five minutes later, but if you make something it stays made. I've had this sewing book for a while now and have been reading and reading the instructions before finally picking my first project. Let me emphasize how NOT sewing-inclined I am. I got out the sewing machine Briana gave me for my 22nd birthday and tried unsuccessfully to wind the f***ing bobbin for TWO HOURS. Luckily Moira showed me later what I was doing wrong and I've gotten the hang of a few basics. Jack has gotten extra challenging lately and I just wanted to do a good job at something, anything, so I headed to the fabric store last night after Aaron came home. They were closing in half an hour, which is the type of situation that usually makes me panic and I make poor choices because I feel pressured. I hadn't even picked a project yet, but I pushed my cart around the store and threw in a few different things that tickled my fancy, then spat out random numbers to the lady at the cutting counter. I got home and washed and dried all my fabric(one of the steps I'm too impatient for, which contributes to my lack of skills).
Today both boys napped AT THE SAME TIME, an even which, since Jack no longer naps, hasn't happened in about six months. Jack's getting a cold and he woke up at 6 a.m. for no good reason, so down he went at noon. I threw my fabric on the floor and let it speak to me, then began measuring and cutting with abandon. Too much abandon, as it turns out. I thought I'd cut one piece too short so I shortened the second piece accordingly, then realized I had gotten the first piece right I'd just hidden it under some other fabric, so once I found the right piece I re-cut the second piece. I told myself, "This is the kind of thing that usually happens before the whole thing goes to hell," but I persisted.

I got frisky and added the front pocket and the cute striped lining, which I didn't quite install properly but it works. I even followed the obnoxious instructions, like pressing the seams open and zig-zagging the raw edges to prevent fraying.

I'm not totally pleased with my handle attachment job, but the handles
are exactly the same length.

I love the little pocket, the symmetry of which I took great pains with. All in all quite amateur, but considering my previous levels of skill and patience with fabric and instructions I'm really pleased. I think I feel another project coming on.
1 comment:
I'm impressed. Looks like it turned out well, and its cute. Hooray for nap time. I think my sewing days are still a few more years off. I don't miss the mistakes and frustrations that generally accomopanied my projects but you go ahead. I'll just admire your work.
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