Monday, July 2, 2007

Better Late Than Never

The sellers of the tiny house were apparently rather offended by our offer. Their agent said he's tried telling them it's a buyer's market but they didn't want to negotiate. In desperation, the agent suggested that each party pitch in a chunk of money to make up the difference between what we offered and what his clients were asking; I've never heard of a real estate agent offering to help buy a house before. As it turns out, the delay in purchasing a house that the disagreements caused was a blessing in disguise. I still hadn't given up hope on the very first house we looked at back in early June, the one with the huge fenced in yard bordering on the park. The sellers seemed really flaky and wouldn't return Megan's calls, so we had moved on to other houses. But after we neglected to finalize a deal with the tiny Shoreline house, out of NOWHERE the sellers e-mailed Megan and said they'd accept our offer. We sign paperwork tomorrow morning and if all goes well(and we're praying it does) we close July 30th! That's a mere six weeks away from my due date, exactly the time Jack decided he was ready to be born, so I really hope there are no glitches in closing. Moving any closer to my due date would be risky I think, so hopefully the timing is a sign that it's the right house and the right time. It needs a lot of work, but it's completely livable as-is(after a good scrubbing) so it's a nice compromise between the finished cuteness of the tiny house and the overwhelming complete gutting that the big ugly house needed. There are projects in this house that CAN be done, but none of them are essential for being able to live there right now. I'd like to strip the kitchen cupboards and repaint them and there's lots of yard work to do, but we'll see how much energy I have after we move in and when this baby decides he's going to arrive. Before all this house craziness started, we spent some time up at Whidbey playing on the beach and relaxing. We also took a little field trip to Fort Casey and Aaron took me and Jack on a hike along a semi-legitimate trail I wouldn't have thought to walk down as it was in a rather random place in the woods, but he promised there was something cool around the corner and there was. After a little jaunt through some underbrush, we came upon this giant rock with a flat, slanted side that was perfect for sliding. Aaron said his parents used to take him and his brothers there to play and that it seemed a lot bigger when he was younger, but Jack thought it was pretty neat. I used the timer on our camera to take a family photo at the top.

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