I know what you're thinking.
Probably something along the lines of "Good grief woman, don't you do anything anymore besides make miniature wedding cakes?!"
I do.
But I've discovered something I didn't realize about myself: I love making wedding cake.
This comes as something of a shock to me, because I'm not that crazy about cake. It's now clear to me that this is because I've had a lot of bad cake in my life, mostly of the "puffed Crisco and sugar-flavored-
fluffy sponge" variety. At some point, someone thought it would be a great idea to make wedding cakes visually stunning at the cost of making them almost completely flavorless. I believe this trend has led a lot of people to mistakenly believe they hate cake.
This has to stop. Even if it means that I put everything else in my life on hold to devote my energies to becoming a one-woman revolution, I will bring back tasty wedding cake.

The dilemma: three dots...

...or one? I like both.

This effort was with chocolate cake; the bride I'm working with thinks she might want chocolate, so I wanted to make sure I could frost it properly without the chocolate showing through. I used a thin layer of butter and
powdered sugar frosting and it sealed beautifully. I used
Deb's Swiss Buttercream again, which is dynamite when paired with chocolate. I also took the extra step of dipping my frosting spatula in hot water to make the frosting extra-smooth; I was concerned how this would work out considering the egg-white base of the frosting. Nothing says "frosting failure" like scrambled eggs on top of a cake. But it worked. I'm currently without my favorite frosting spatula, which would allow me to make a much smoother surface with hardly any marks or lines. I left it at the last birthday party I baked for, but we will be reunited soon. We have work to do, that spatula and I.
I've decided that this cake revolution must happen. There's a rash of people getting married through the Summer and early Fall, and I've offered to make their wedding cakes for free. I'm serious about this. I figure I'll do them pro bono for the first couple of months until I really get the hang of it, and after my skills are honed to Wedding Cake Ninja perfection I'll put myself out there as a genuine business. And not just weddings; birthdays, retirement cakes, basically any occasion that calls for a cake. I will make it and it will be both lovely and tasty. And then I'll have to start a separate blog because I know you don't want to read about wedding cake all the time. But indulge me for the next little while, and if you have need of a cake I'd be honored to bake it for you free of charge. All you have to do is tell me what you want, and then let me take a zillion pictures of the finished product.
So, now the voting part: I want to have a name for my little cake business, but I can't decide between Let Them Eat Cake and The Occasional Cake. I like both. Which do you like?
I love the hydrangea on the cake! I say single dots over the three. It's more simple and continuous like the ribbon along the bottom, and it makes the flower petals stand out more, I think.
Let Them Eat Cake is my fav of the two names. :) Now I'm going to start thinking of an excuse to have you make us a cake. Hmmm...
I like 'Let them eat cake'. And we'll take a cake anytime. Or if you need help disposing of any 'not quite perfect' cakes we can help there too. Good luck.
I vote for 'let them eat cake'. what a fun venture!! you probably know my mom is pretty well established as a wedding florist and if you wanted, I'm sure she would be happy to refer people to you for cakes!
I think I like the first name, too. Are you going to get a business license and everything? Mike had to get one for when he worked for Rich Black and I think it was 15 bucks, so I don't know if you'd really need one or not but you might want to look into it! Good luck. Oh and I like the single dots better, myself
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