This was my Grandpa Ken's last Christmas. It was Christmas Eve dinner at my parents' house and I'd been feeling really nauseated all day and I couldn't figure out why; we'd had some wine with Albert and Anna the night before, but not ridiculous amounts so I didn't think it was a hangover. It came and went and at one point I went into the bathroom to throw up but nothing came out. Our car was broken so we had to take Aaron's work van down to my parents' house, and since it only has one seat in it Jack got the seat and I had to sit on a bucket in the back. There was a lot of rocking and I couldn't see out the windshield, and several times I thought I was going to barf into Aaron's toolbox. I didn't, and once we got to my Mom and Dad's and I had some food I felt much better. As it turns out, I was about five days pregnant with Matteas. Also, my hair looked really good. I'm okay with my short hair for now because it's doing what I wanted it to, mainly not getting pulled by Matteas ALL THE TIME. A lot of it also fell out after he was born and now I have lots of short fuzzy new growth coming in, and the shorter layers camouflage it better than my long hair did. Aaron is pretty sad about the loss though, so I'll probably grow it out again.
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