Matteas was so tired after our journey that he put himself to bed. I put his pajamas on then went to brush my teeth and when I came back he was out.

The boys have really enjoyed cuddling each other lately, especially in the mornings.

Jack lost no time getting reacquainted with Ryan. He took us to the Davenport Hotel for lunch; he works there, so he gave us a tour and some of the history of the hotel. Among other things, it is famous as the birthplace of the Crab Louis Salad, invented by Louis Davenport.

The Davenport fell into disrepair and was bought several years ago by new owners who shut it down completely to do some serious restoration. The above building was moved by crane from the old hotel to the new hotel site. It was one of the prettiest rooms in the hotel.

Spokane Falls looking very chilly. It was so cold that the mist from the falling water would rise a little ways and then freeze to the rocks.

Jack had mixed feelings about the snow. It was about a week old so it was pretty frozen and slick; he objected to having his hand held on the walk down to the falls until he took a spill and went sliding on his bum. After that he was all about the hand-holding.
When we'd had enough of the 24-degree outdoors, we headed to Ryan's house to warm up with some coffee before going shopping for dinner. Ryan has three roommates and they're all very skinny, so we bought some big steaks, lots of salad ingredients, asparagus, bread, and some mushrooms and shallots to simmer with beef stock and port to go on top of the steak. It was pretty fabulous. Ryan's friend Leif was also visiting Ryan so we had a pretty good crowd for dinner, but for all the bodies there wasn't a lot of talking. Hungry college boys.
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