Getting to Know You
I think my favorite feature of Matteas' is the shape of his head; it's just SO lovely. Jack and Matteas had some bonding time on the living room floor this afternoon; I know they're 2 1/2 years apart, but it still amazes me how big Jack is and that he was ever Matteas' size(two pounds smaller even). The boys have been getting along pretty well, minus Jack's habit of screaming at some pretty inopportune times. He's a little frustrated that we don't let him squeeze the baby as hard as he'd like to or carry him around, but he's very excited for Matteas to get bigger so he can teach him things. Tonight we walked to the park before dinner to let Jack get some of his energy out(Mom hasn't been much good for that lately) and Jack showed Matteas how to go down the slide. Matteas didn't say much, but he looked impressed.
Proud Uncle Tristan and his two nephews. Tris doesn't really like holding tiny wee babies so we had to get a picture of the first(and so far only) time. Matteas got pretty fidgety on account of being hungry, but finally settled down for a while on Tristan's chest. I think he calms down when he can hear a heartbeat; it reminds him of simpler times. Note my messy living room in the background. I've been meaning to post pictures of our house but I haven't gotten around to taking very many; the house is either messy or during the five minutes that it's clean I can't find the camera.
Wow, Matteas looks more and more like Jack. The profile shot definitely shows off their "brotherness". Keep the pictures coming. The kids, and myself, look forward to new ones every day. NO pressure though.
By the way I have been humming "Getting to Know You" all morning. Definitely my mother's daughter.
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