Crazy Beautiful
I simply don't know what other words to use about life right now. I went to my midwife appointment yesterday for a regular checkup and walked out with a baby. This sounds ridiculous, but I didn't know I was in labor. I went to Costco yesterday morning with Jack and stocked up on lots of good food, then came home and started cooking dinners for the freezer. I showered and got back in the car with Jack for a 2 p.m. appointment. My midwife said she didn't want to do an exam in case it would stir things up, but I asked her to check me out and let me know if it was going to be a while before I could expect to go into labor. She humored me.
Midwife: "Um, okay...."
Me: "What?"
Midwife: "You're 7 centimeters dilated."
Me: "WHAT?!"
Midwife: " should call Aaron."
I felt kind of sheepish, but kind of sneaky at the same time. Apparently the tree stump project accomplished more than I originally thought. I called Aaron and he called Damien to come and get Jack, and in the meantime we made a birth plan. My water hadn't broken but I was hungry, so Damien brought me food and I ate and relaxed while I waited for my midwife to finish her appointments. They broke my water at 5:30 and I started having contractions. I got into the bathtub at 6:00, started pushing at 6:45 and by 7:02 we had a baby. He was 7 lbs. 1 oz., 20 1/2 inches long. He is fuzzy and sweet and sleeps a LOT for which I am very grateful. He doesn't have an official name yet but for now we are trying out Matteas. Everyone seems to like the name so far, we're just trying to decide if it fits him. It's hard to tell when his look changes every few hours. I like him a lot, and he seems to like me, which is nice.
Too cute. I do miss that too tiny baby stage. Kateri took one look at the pictures and asked,
"Can we go get that baby?" Good job everyone!
Tirzah, he's beautiful! Congratulations again! I think he looks a lot like Jack, especially in the first picture but he has darker hair.
It sounds like you had a short AND easy labor. Lucky you!
I hope to see you and the baby soon.
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