Jack has wanted to make bird feeders for a long time, so yesterday we finally did. We hung them up in the yard, but no takers yet.

Mausi, Lani and Damien were over yesterday. They made bird feeders too, then we took all the kids for a walk through the woods before dinner.

This is my backyard. Well, a short walk from my backyard. Sometimes I kind of take it for granted that I can walk out my back door and be in this place. There is a busy street just down the hill, but you wouldn't know it from this spot.

The only place Jack looks small to me is in the woods.

I bought Matteas his first real pair of shoes yesterday, and he tried them out at the park. I've been putting leather booties on him up until now, but it's getting too cold and too damp not to have more protection on his little feet. He stumbled around a bit, but didn't seem to mind too much.

I love his little man outfit; he was already looking so mature to me, but the big boy shoes really put him over the edge. You can't really tell from this picture, but I gave him a haircut recently too. It's always hard for me to give my kids the first haircut as it always seems to mark the end of their babyhood.

If you put Matteas at the top of a slide, any slide, he will grin and slowly ooch his little bum closer and closer to the edge until he can pitch himself down, at which point he lies down on his back and gives himself fully to the experience of hurtling down the slide. I snapped this picture about mid-slide, but his face is really best at the top just before he launches: confident, mischievous and playful.
1 comment:
fun pictures - love the bird feeder!
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