The crazy thing is, I did not alter this picture in any way. That halo around the berries was accomplished by putting them in a while melamine bowl and shooting in the sun.
It's been a slow season for blackberries around here, owing to the cold snap we had in the middle "summer." But we've had a lot of sunshine lately and things are finally ripening up nicely. I always get excited about picking blackberries and making things with them, but I'm just kidding myself; I feel that any culinary application results in a lesser version of an otherwise perfect thing, and that the best way to enjoy fresh blackberries is as God intended. Matteas slurps them down whole, like a hungry baby bird. It's great to have so many things growing in our own backyard so that when the boys want a snack, we do a little gathering then find a spot in the shade and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Peppers courtesy of Tristan.

Finally, cucumbers. They were awfully late in coming, but have been worth the wait.

I did not grow anything in this bin. I found an organic produce delivery service called Mother Nature's Organics that will bring a bin of fresh(and whenever possible, locally grown) produce to your front door once a week for $35. Aaron thinks it's a little expensive for the amount of food and I agree, but it was so thrilling to come home from the library in the late afternoon light and see a big blue bin on my doorstep. This was our first delivery, but so far I'm pleased. The quality is pretty incredible; that head of romaine is the healthiest lettuce specimen I've ever seen. There was absolutely nothing wilted or old, and it was so big and bushy I could barely fit it into the produce drawer in my fridge. I think Aaron might come to appreciate high-quality produce a little more as the season progresses and the selection at QFC declines. Everything in the bin was either at the peak of freshness or a little under-ripe, which is perfect. A PCC just opened by our house so maybe I'll end up canceling our deliveries, but that will be a sad day. You don't get to choose what arrives, so I'm hoping to get some surprise vegetables and expand my culinary repertoire a bit. Also, if anyone is interested in signing up and you tell them I referred you, I get $5 off after your second delivery :)
This looks great. I would have loved to do this if it was cheaper. What's in that bin would probably cost $22 at the supermarket, organic and all. We're trying to decide whether we should sign up for the Moo man delivery for milk and dairy but that's pricey too.
I'm disappointed with PCC by the way. Trader Joe's is better.
I have mixed feelings about PCC. I think it's far more beautiful than Trader Joe's, but what I don't like is how the price of the PCC lifestyle is built into the price of the food. Did I mention that every time you go in, each of your kids can pick a fruit or vegetable for free? That's a lot of free produce for a family of five :)
I love Trader Joe's, but have not been impressed with their meat or their produce. I love their dairy, frozen food(the raspberry and brie in fillo dough is AMAZING) and all their fun snacks and drinks. I recently went to the Trader Joe's in Totem Lake and it's WAY nicer than the one in James Village. They had a much wider selection of fresh prepared foods.
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