The other day I was having a hard time, so I took some pictures of the cuter parts of my life to put on my blog. Then Jack took this picture of Matteas and I and I made a different plan; here is what my life looks like when things aren't going well, with no makeup or hairbrush to spruce things up.

Jack loves to cook with me, but doesn't always follow directions well. I try to let him participate as much as possible without menacing the outcome of the project, but on this particular morning he was not in the mood to listen. He added too much flour at once and then turned the mixer on too high. It freaked him out. I'm not sure he'll want to make banana bread together for a while.

The banana bread fall-out and last night's dinner dishes, which I did not do. I used to have trouble going to bed with dishes in the sink because I HATE waking up to a dirty sink, but I have been falling really behind on the kitchen these days. Matteas has gotten really clingy with all his teething, and now most evenings I'd rather read or watch a mindless movie at the end of day.

Just two days before, this entryway was spotless. I moved everything out of it and vacuumed underneath and behind stuff, organized all the shoes, then hand-scrubbed the stairs up and down. 48 hours later, it looked like this.

Almost a year after moving in, we're finally remodeling the master bedroom. We've never slept in it, but we did use it for miscellaneous storage. Which is now all sitting in my living room. I'm not sure what the fate of these boxes will be now; truthfully, it's stuff we've been able to live without for almost a year, so keeping it seems pointless. On the other hand, I'm so not motivated lately.

This is where I blog. The only thing missing from this picture is a pair of wiggly boys crawling around under the desk doing irritating things to my legs and feet.

There were a few bright spots that day. Jack and Matteas spent a good 15 minutes wrestling the vacuum cleaner hose. The rest of the week went better than that day, but I thought an unedited photo shoot of domestic life would be an interesting change of pace. Plus if anyone drops by unexpectedly, they won't be shocked at the state of my house.
1 comment:
I'm so proud of you for leaving dishes overnight. Not fun to wake up to but its a pain to feel a slave to cleanliness. Its much healthier to make banana bread, let your kids play in the mud, and just enjoy.
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