...to market to buy some honey, grapes, oranges, peaches, carrots, sole and a plastic crocodile. I've noticed lately how few pictures there are of me and Aaron together since one of us is usually the one behind the camera, so when we got to the market Saturday morning Jack offered to take this picture of us from his car seat. For a three year-old, he takes pretty amazing pictures.

After he took our picture, Jack wanted me to take a picture of him.

Aaron pushed Matteas in the stroller and I carried Jack on my back most of the time. It was so crowded in some parts of the market that Jack would have been crushed if I'd let him walk.

Matteas had a fabulous time with all the people to watch and interesting things to look at.

I can't believe this is an actual fish that God thought up and decided to make. Maybe this monkfish played some part in the Fall and was consequently disfigured. There was a sign next to him that said "I'm a monfish; look in my mouth and make a wish." When some little kid or tourist would bend down to look in it's mouth, a guy behind the counter would pull on a rope that was attached to the piece of wood in the fish's mouth, so the fish would sit up really fast. It was cruel but entertaining. We did not encourage Jack to participate.

So after we bought lots of produce and some sole for dinner, we let Jack pick out a little toy from one of the Asian shops. He always knows exactly what he wants and doesn't hesitate to find his favorite.

He knew right away that this crocodile was the one he wanted. Now he carries it around with him and tells everyone, "Stick your finger in my crocodile." Last night he gave him a bath and washed him very carefully, then found a spot on the kitchen floor to be a "special place" for his crocodile to hang out.

Home again; I really like Aaron's dimple in this picture.

Jack enjoying a succulent peach from the market.