Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Bit Non-traditional
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Because It's Not Christmas Until Somebody Barfs
Tuesday afternoon, Matteas started running a low-grade fever. Tuesday evening, he got very mellow. Towards the end of watching "Home Alone" he started dozing off in my lap, very unusual for him since he'd taken a big nap in the afternoon. My eyes scanned the room, looking for something I could use as a barf receptacle should the need arise. Not five minutes later, Matteas opened his eyes and I heard the trademark wet cough. I lunged for the plastic dish pan full of toy cars I'd spotted earlier and managed to catch all the barf and save myself from having to scrub it out of the carpet. We went upstairs and took a nice long shower, then made a cozy bed downstairs layered with towels to prepare for a long barfy night.
Thankfully it wasn't that long. One more big barf of Gatorade and that was the end of the gastric eruptions, though a low-grad fever persists. One thing I'm really grateful for is that someone at church already had the bug and shared that it's a kid-only virus, so I appreciate being able to take care of sick kids with an able body. I was also worried about him having a fever for so long after he quit barfing and was beginning to fear we were at the beginning of something instead of towards the end, but the gal from church said her two year-old did the same thing. Technology is really great sometimes; someone in another city can keep you company while your kid is barfing.
I decided to do a "December" sign before switching to "Winter" and hang up all our Christmas cards under it. I haven't kept up well with my picture project, but the last couple of days haven't been all that picturesque.
This little stocking is my favorite part of the banner. I was so tickled when I thought of cutting a candy cane out of the striped paper.
So our recent illness means we won't be participating in my family's Christmas Eve dinner this year. As viruses go it was pretty mild, but the transmission rate seems really fast and we don't want to give any cousins barf for Christmas. Initially I was really bummed about this, but I'm already embracing the opportunity to slow down and de-stress. We have nowhere to be and nothing to finish before we get there; we can take our time, wrap presents, and eat duck. My Mom always makes a beautiful prime rib roast for Christmas Eve dinner, so to make up for missing hers we made a small one of our own tonight. It was amazing. I usually use the slow-roast method because we usually have a larger roast, but tonight it was just the four of us and a little 2.5 pound beauty, so I decided to try the high-heat method from The Joy of Cooking. Before putting it in the oven I rubbed it all over with a paste I made from fresh thyme, oregano, rosemary, garlic and dijon mustard. I think I'm officially a high-heat convert. The texture was sublime, soft and succulent and with a cleaner meat flavor than the slow-roast method I've used before. I made a potato gratin to go with it and steamed green beans. Jack ate in total silence, which is always a sign that he's so focused on enjoying his food that he can't speak. Hopefully he doesn't barf it up later.
I'm so curious to try roasting my own duck. Since our usual traditions have gone out the window this year, we decided to make a theme out of non-tradition and our Christmas Eve dinner this year will be Duck a L'Orange. I've eaten duck a few times, but it's one of the few proteins I've never attempted to cook myself. Success or failure, there will be pictures.
It's really comforting to me that in the face of not being with my family for Christmas, I've come to the realization that my husband and our two boys really are my family. I still love my parents and everything and I love the tradition of big family get-togethers, but I'm actually looking forward to this Christmas being just the four of us. The boys are such a fun age for Christmas magic, and every snowflake we cut and ornament we hang is a little miracle to them. Christmas was always a huge deal when I was a kid, then as an adult I was always frustrated that it didn't seem to measure up to my memories; kids have changed that, and it's more magical now than ever. Aaron is also full of Christmas cheer, hiding presents for me in the garage and putting mulled cider on the stove. Yes, I think this Christmas will be our best yet.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Toffee Innovation
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Getting There
Friday, December 18, 2009
Half and Half
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Can I Get a Break?
"Matteas, would you like some more apple?"
"Say 'No thank you,' Matteas."
"Matteas, would you like to pick another book?"
"Um, no."
"Baby, say 'No thank you.'"
"Matteas, it's time to put the toys away and go to bed."
"No thank you."
Habit: a dominant or regular disposition or tendency; prevailing character or quality.
Change: 1. to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history.
I am having trouble.
This is nothing new.
My whole life, I have been overly concerned with finding a balance between the things I "have" to do and the things I "want" to do. I worry that I haven't done enough of the "have to"s to have earned spending time on the "want to"s, and when I do feel like I've earned some leisure time I often panic about what, exactly, to spend that time doing. Eating? Sleeping? Scrapbooking? Trying out some new art supplies?
I'm not a complete mess anymore; I generally have some idea of what I want to do, and it occurred to me a while back how far I've come when I realized what I use babysitter time for. When Matteas was about six months old Aaron started encouraging me to hire a babysitter. Jack wanted my attention all of the time and he was still working out his relationship with his little brother, so it was tricky for me to do things that required me to have my back turned, like the dishes. I don't know why I waited so long, but I finally gave into Aaron's requests and called Madeleine. I was tired of having to be on guard while cleaning, tired of having to rescue the baby with soapy hands, of getting interrupted in the middle of trying to make progress. It worked out really well, and when I saw how much the boys loved playing with Madeleine I wondered why I waited so long. No matter how nice your babysitter is, it's hard to ask someone else to be with your kids but sometimes it's even harder to be with your kids 24/7.
Everyone has moved on; Madeleine is in college now and her younger sister Grace has taken over. When she comes, I usually don't clean. I work out or run errands, or both. Those things seemed like total luxury items back in the sleep-deprived days of Matteas' infancy, things I didn't even have the capacity to think about doing.
Luckily, babies grow up. I still have a lot of the same struggles, but the hard parts aren't as hard. Matteas still doesn't sleep through the night, but he sleeps a lot better than he did. My house is still messy more often than it's clean, but both of the boys are able to help clean up their toys instead of me having to do everything. Babysitting time is used for "want to"s more than "have to"s.
And yet, it's still hard. I don't expect it to ever not be. What scares me is, there isn't much real trouble in my life. No one I love is in the hospital, my husband has a job that pays the mortgage, my kids are strong and healthy; yet some days, my life still feels overwhelming. I feel like I'm constantly adding to the list of things I need to get to, and the list grows longer everyday.
The boys, while perfectly capable of playing independently, want me to be with them constantly. I realize this is normal, but I also realize that I would be doing them a major disservice to grant their non-stop requests for my attention. I want them to know how much I love them, but I don't want them to grow up believing the world revolves around them. I want them to have friends and nurture their relationships, but I don't want them to be unable to spend time alone. I remember very clearly a talk I heard given by Alison Bernhoft, years before I had children. She said(and forgive me Alison for paraphrasing) that it was important to her that her children learn to spend constructive time by themselves so that when they chose to be in the company of others, it would be out of a genuine desire to have relationship with a specific person rather than the mere avoidance of being alone. I was years away from becoming a mother, but I filed that bit of wisdom away for later.
I'm so glad I did, and I'm finding that it applies to me as much as to my children. I need time alone, and when I get it I'm a better mother. There are seasons in life when alone time is hard to come by, but I've found it helpful to remember during those times that nothing lasts forever. The trick is to know what season you're in at the time so you can respond accordingly. Sometimes you need to call a babysitter just so you can shower and dress by yourself. Other times you can take a week off and go to New York alone. Sometimes your baby will need your constant attention, and someday your baby will grow up and what you both need is for him to learn to play alone.
What I'm gradually accepting is that I will probably never be in a fixed place for very long. I'm learning that, more important than being able to figure out precisely where I am is the ability to be flexible about it, to discern what about the moment I am currently in is really important and what can wait until later. Right now, Jack is watching PBS and Matteas is sleeping. The kitchen sink is full of dishes and the living room rug needs vacuuming, but I decided that blogging would be more restorative to my soul than cleaning. My husband and I don't see totally eye-to-eye on this subject, as he feels it would be more restorative to his soul to come home to a semi-clean house after a long day at work. It has occurred to me lately that marriage and kids should come with a built-in nanny and maid; two adults doesn't seem like enough.
I spend my whole day taking care of other people. Messy, needy, poopy, whiny people. I think my kids are of an average neediness, but they still have a lot to learn about how to be people and I'm the one who's supposed to teach them. I find it really exhausting to be patient and gentle about this, and get particularly frustrated when I feel like I have to teach them something obvious, like that it's not okay to poke your brother in the eye because he won't be a dog with you. Or that it's not okay to poop on the living room floor and then drive your cars through it. Or that it's not okay to hold onto my skirt in church so that when I stand up and you stay sitting down you give the guy behind me an eyeful(yes, that happened). Or that it's not okay to sneak cleaning solution, shampoo, oatmeal and tampons into the bathroom and fill the sink with "potion."
Use your words; respect other people's bodies; that only goes in the toilet; we don't eat chocolate for breakfast; you may not unwrap all of Mom's "special bandaids;" eat your dinner; please use your inside voice; it's not okay to hit when you're mad; that is not an appropriate way to use ______(a hundred different various things); please climb out of the dishwasher; it's rude to sit on your brother's head when you have a poop; I get tired of saying this sort of stuff. When I do get a break from saying it, it's hard to muster the enthusiasm to clean up the messes that have been made in the process of all that stuff especially when I know I'm going to have to fight two eager little "helpers" to do it. I know it's important for kids to help; it's how they learn. But it's not always possible, like when I need to clean up dishes from making dinner and there was raw chicken involved. I don't mind cleaning; what I do mind is having a screaming toddler attached to my leg while cleaning or two boys going head-to-head over the same toy while I'm trying to scrub the toilet. So a lot of the time, I don't. This is where I have not yet learned where the balance is.
This is not one of those posts where I have a neat little conclusion at the end. I haven't figured this one out yet, but I'm pretty sure at least part of the answer is going to involve some marriage counseling. And possibly professional cleaners. My suspicion is that both Aaron and I have unrealistic expectations about how much mess is reasonable. On the one hand, our kids are two and four; those are really messy ages. On the other hand, I know I have a particularly strong resistance to change; once I get used to doing something a certain way, it's really hard for me to do it differently even if the circumstances change. So I get very defensive when Aaron says he thinks I could keep the house up a little better. I don't like that he is asking me to do something different. It implies that I am not perfect in my current condition. It implies that I have flaws. It implies that he would like me to change. And change is hard. But recently I have had to ask myself, why not? I could have everything in my life ordered exactly the way I wanted it, make only foods I like, listen only to music that I like, spend time doing things that only I want to do, if. If I wasn't married. If I lived alone. If Aaron and our boys weren't in my life.
So I had to ask myself: if I refuse to change, why the hell did I get married? Did I really think that I could merge my life with another and expect everything to stay the same? If I don't change, what does that say to my husband? That he has had so little impact on my life that nothing has changed, that change has not been warranted by his presence?
That's not what I want to say. What I want to say is that I love my husband so much that he has affected every part of my being, that my love for him is so great that my life would not be the same without him, that he is so important to me that all other priorities take a back seat. And all those things are true, so long as he doesn't ask me to change. Anything but that.
I'm trying. We both are. In small ways, we are learning. I know that he doesn't like feta, so I buy goat cheese. He likes big cups of coffee, but pours mine in a small cup because he knows that's what I like. He likes colored lights on the tree while I prefer white, so we use red and white lights. We do some things differently because of the other person, because we love each other and we want to have a life together instead of just living in the same house. Habits persist, and change will come slowly. But hopefully, if we work at it long enough, we can make a habit of change for the better.
2. | to transform or convert |
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My Mantle
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Little Things
Friday, December 4, 2009
You're Welcome
Notes: You can use any kind of chocolate you want, but I like the ease of chocolate chips. I once used expensive semi-sweet chocolate which I painstakingly chopped myself, and I actually preferred the flavor of chocolate chips so I figure why bother?
Do not, under ANY circumstances, touch the toffee while it's hot. It will burn like you wouldn't believe.
Hold the pan very close to the baking sheet when pouring, and go nice and slow. It doesn't really splatter because it's so thick, but there's no sense in taking chances.
Do not use margarine. You will end up with a big soggy mess and no toffee.
Cheap Thrills
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Finally, the Core Fusion Post
This morning I fell prey to a problem common to many after Thanksgiving weekend: none of my pants fit. After all that turkey, gravy, sweet potato ravioli and pumpkin pie, I haven't a thing to wear.
Only, not quite the way you might expect.
All my pants are too big.
It's okay if you need to take a second to hate me a little bit. I'd hate me too, if I didn't know better. My favorite part of the story is the fact that it happened backwards, and being skinny is purely a side-effect of the pursuit of healthy living. I didn't start working out to lose weight. After I had Matteas I had about 15 extra pounds that just wouldn't go away, and while I was really unhappy with my softer, curvier body, I made a decision that changed my life.
I decided I was tired of being unhappy with my body. I realized that I could spend my life feeling at odds with my physical self, or I could start appreciating my body for the things it could do instead of what it didn't look like.
For starters, I'd grown two human beings from scratch. That was pretty amazing.
Next, I made a mental list of all the things I was grateful to my body for being able to do: having healthy labors; being able to wrestle with my boys; having the strength to carry Matteas in a backpack on 3-mile hikes; being able to work in the garden; running through the back woods with Jack; skiing with Aaron. Sure, I'd like to look great in a bathing suit, but being able to do all those things really was more valuable to me than how I looked.
Then I started seeing a chiropractor, which further improved the health of my body and relieved all my lower back pain. That was a huge turning point; I hadn't realized how much energy it was taking out of me to be in pain all the time, and once it was gone I felt reborn.
Our friend Trevor kept raving about his personal trainer Laura, who happens to live two blocks from my house(if you're in the area and looking for a great trainer, e-mail me for her info). I realized that if I wanted to take better care of my body I was going to have to make space for that to happen, so I called Laura and made an appointment and then called the babysitter. I see Laura once a week, and our appointments motivate me to work out in between so that I can keep improving my performance each week.
And then, thanks to my amazing goddess of a cousin Kayleigh, Core Fusion came into my life. Core Fusion was started in Exhale studios in New York, and some of the workouts are now available on DVD. Plans are in the works to open a studio in Seattle, at which point I will stalk them relentlessly. The beauty of Core Fusion is that it doesn't waste your time; every single movement has purpose and is designed with the support of the whole body in mind. My sciatica still bothers me from time to time if I'm not careful, but I'm able to do Core Fusion workouts without irritation because of the integrity of the movements; the exercises strengthen the body without stressing it.
Don't misunderstand, it's hard. Ridiculously hard, at first. The first time I did one of the DVD's was so alarmed by the level of difficulty that twice I started giggling uncontrollably; I simply didn't know what else to do. It's a way of moving that is unlike anything else I've ever tried. It's so intense, so complete, so efficient. Your entire body will be absolutely exhausted by the end of the workout.
But its intensity is also its greatest appeal; by my third time through the DVD I was able to complete the entire workout with considerably less difficulty. It was still challenging in the extreme, but I could feel that my body was stronger after just three workouts.
Thanks to Core Fusion, I was able to eat like a hog the whole time I was in New York and lose weight, and that was only doing three Core Fusion workouts that week. Lest you doubt my criteria for "eating like a hog," I'll give you a few examples; one night I went out for an early dinner by myself and ate a lobster roll. This consisted of an entire lobster tossed with a mayonnaise dressing and served on top of a roll soaked in butter. Three hours later I ate another dinner of salad, fresh cheese and bread, roasted hen with turnip mash, pasta with boar ragu. And wine. Each morning began with a few big cups of coffee with plenty of half-and-half, oatmeal with butter and sugar. Lunch is usually pretty substantial, a big salad with poached eggs, cheese, whatever leftover meat I have in the fridge. I eat like this nearly everyday(minus the lobster, but only because it would get expensive). What all this leads me to believe with utmost conviction is this: the human body was made to move, and move often. Do that, and you can eat pretty much anything you want. During all this Core Fusion and personal training, I have never once restricted my food intake. I eat a lot of fat. I eat a lot, period. At this point, I'm working out three times a week, which seems to be kind of the magic number for my body. An hour of personal training, an hour of Core Fusion, and at least one run of 3-4 miles. If it's a great week I'll add a few Core Fusion workouts, but just doing the above seems to be enough to maintain my progress. It even allowed me to take the entire week of Thanksgiving off to eat and eat and not work out at all, and not gain an ounce. Now that Thanksgiving is over and I'm not spending two days cooking for a single dinner, I'm back to working out three times a week.
I cannot recommend Core Fusion enough. I promise it will be one of the toughest workouts you will ever try, but I can also promise it will be the most rewarding. You don't have to spend hours on the treadmill, you just have to work your muscles correctly. I should mention that I have never been the type of person who enjoyed working out; I ran a lot as a teenager, but that was mostly because I wanted the endorphins and not because I'm one of those people who feels driven to exercise. I get bored very quickly with exercise. Core Fusion is different. It will change how you feel about exercise, it will change how you feel about your body, it will change the way it feels to exercise your body. Plus, it does great things for your backside.
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