We got out in the sunshine yesterday right before the crazy storm hit. Every Fall I remind myself that anytime there's sun we need to drop whatever we're doing and get out in it because you never know what the weather will do tomorrow; yesterday reinforced that resolution beautifully. I thought I could feel the temperature dropping as we walked, but decided it must be my imagination.
It wasn't.
Twenty minutes after we came inside it started raining, which quickly turned into hail the size of marbles. Lots of it. Jack actually expressed concern about the roof cracking. I promised him it wouldn't, lit some candles and put on the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack. I know it's early, but I feel like I never get enough of it and it was so cozy with the crazy hail.
Jack is outside right now searching for the biggest chunks of hail and eating them. Matteas was with him for about fifteen minutes, but after sitting in a puddle he decided Mama's lap was a much better place to be. Jack's hands are finally big enough to wear mittens and gloves comfortably, but poor Matteas looked like an awkward snowman when I tried to stuff his hands into his puffy blue pillows with thumbs. I'm thinking of trying to make him a tiny pair of gloves out of some warm stretchy fabric; they wouldn't be waterproof but I feel like they'd be better than nothing. Anyone know where I can get gloves that would actually fit a tiny pair of toddler hands?
Shane put on Chritmas music this morning and somehow it didn't feel too early. Matteas looks so "angelic' in the sunlight.
That kid of yours has amazing blond highlights. When I was in jr. high and high school, all the "cool" guys got highlights. Remember that? I don't think it's the thing to do anymore, but it could come back! And of course it doesn't matter, on a three year old - it's pretty darn adorable.
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