Thursday, April 27, 2017


Testing, testing.  Our last functioning laptop bit the dust the other day, so I took a giant leap(for me) and bought a mobile blogging app.  With 11 days to go until my stitches come out, I'm feeling a little manic energy around tying up all the loose ends before my hands are full of baby.  I've cleaned every closet in the house, washed the car seat, detailed the inside of my van(with help from my more-flexible-than-a-pregnant-body 12 year-old), ordered all the things from Amazon, and now I'm just trying to be patient. 

While I have no idea what it's like to watch a due date come and go, I imagine that waiting to go into labor is different for women who make it to term.  When my water broke with Lochlan at only 33 weeks, my first response was dread.  Now that I'm approaching 35 weeks I feel markedly less anxious, and while I feel super uncomfortable I'm content to wait and feel grateful for every day that this baby stays inside.  I'm excited to be done being pregnant and have room to breathe again, and I actively fantasize about guzzling ALL THE WATER right before bed with reckless abandon because I won't wake up to pee every hour, but having a history of preterm birth takes a lot of the pressure off of waiting.  I'll get to meet this baby soon enough, but hopefully not too soon. 

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