See these two beautiful girls? They are Sheila(left) and Lorna(right)
Bernhoft, younger sisters of Iain
Bernhoft, my friend who's getting married in Boston this Saturday. Lorna is in a coma after an accident early Tuesday morning. The
Bernhoft family is responsible for introducing me to Aaron. It is no exaggeration to say that without them, my little family wouldn't be here. Aside from their role in my marital happiness, they are an amazing family. Iain and I have been friends for 15 years. His mom, Alison, is like a grandma to my children. This family means a lot to me.
Alison sent the following update:
lorna was relaxing with her friends from the
quaker notes, her female a
capella singing group, at a large, old house in
philly. she sat on a piece of wood over a hole in the floor. under her tiny weight, the board broke; she fell 15
feet onto the stairs below.
we arrived last night as she was coming out of a 6-hour surgery. they removed her forehead bone to allow the brain to swell. the bone is in the freezer and will be replaced in 4 - 6 weeks, when the swelling is down. her back surgery stabilized the spine: it looks as though there is significant damage to the spinal cord.
our beautiful, brilliant, vibrant, loving daughter is broken. she's in a coma, on a breathing tube, her body cold to touch to reduce swelling, her face swollen so badly that only her nose is recognisable. will we ever get her back? will she be able to walk? will she still know the reams of poetry she loved to memorize? she was taking six courses, incl. organic chemistry, (last week she aced her midterm,) and was on a pace to graduate in three years from one of the nation's top 5 institutions. she would have done a year's internship with her extra year, before medical school. robin hoped she would eventually take over his
ojai practice; she loved
ojai so.
this letter feels like an obituary. i don't know whether to use past or present tense; nobody knows if she will be herself if and when she comes back. we may not know for weeks, even months, even years. meanwhile, we have a wedding to celebrate in
boston in 3 days: eldest son
iain marries
jiyoon, the love of his life.
we struggle to see God's loving hand in this tragedy.
I remember the first time I met Lorna. She was four or five, and her family had come over for a day-after Thanksgiving party at my parents. She didn't say a single word to me the entire time, she just stared at me with her big blue eyes. She was wearing a little sailor dress that tied around the waist, and the bow had come undone. She held the ties in her little hands and slowly crept up to where I was sitting on a couch, then quietly placed the ties in my lap and continued staring, a silent plea. I tied her sash and she ran off without a word, but we understood each other.
Some years later, when I was 17 and Lorna was 10 or so, we were in Rome together. There were a lot of fixed tours we were supposed to go on, but I remember the absolute best day as the one when Alison and Lorna decided to go on their own tour and invited me to come along. Lorna is in almost all of my pictures from Rome, a place that was made more alive by her being there.
Please pray for healing for Lorna and peace for her family. If you'd like to follow her progress, go here:
Last spring I spent some time visiting in the hospital with a student who had been run over by a truck while bicycling. When I first went to see him, lying in a coma, he, too, was almost unrecognizable as the young man I knew, and he, too, had suffered terrifying injuries so that his friends and family did not know if he was going to live. But live he did! Multiple surgeries, a time when he was unable to speak, huge loss of weight, but each time I have seen him across the months he has become more and more himself in a most joyful and miraculous progress toward wholeness. I tell you this true story to remind you of the wonderful resiliency of the young and the power of healing in the young mind and body. I shall be holding your daughter in the Light, as the Quakers say, and all her family, too. May her story become another to give comfort to other families suffering similar worry to yours.
Alice Kelley
Assistant Dean of Advising
oh my goodness, this is just too sad. We are praying for her and the family. She IS a beautiful girl with a bright future...may she be healed so her dreams can still be realized.
Tirzah, thanks ever so much for posting this. I'm really grateful to everyone for all the prayers. She's sleeping very peacefully right now, and things are going so well. To all who are praying, I say thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know that she's doing this well because of all the prayers, and I know that when I get scared they are my rock.
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