I read about a study once that said change of any kind can get you out of a rut. If you are depressed about your job, even the small act of putting a lamp in a different spot can help your brain shift out of a mental ditch and onto the highway of ideas. I find it interesting that it is the principle of the thing, not the thing in itself, which matters. The end-goal might be to find a better job, but making a change,
any kind of change, can start you on the path to productivity and possibilities. Brains are cool. The theory goes that if your brain recognizes that you have the power to change one thing, you probably have the power to change all kinds of other things.

I've been in kind of a domestic rut lately. Not depressed, but discouraged by the necessity of the mundane. I'd love to spend all my time cooking gourmet meals, planting organic vegetables and hiking through the woods with my children, but I have to stop and sweep the floor, put away the laundry, load the dishwasher. I've been applying the change principle with fairly good success; one improvement inspires another. I used to keep the microwave on top of my hutch, but decided it might be better to use that space for more storage(which is scarce in my kitchen). The microwave was relocated to the countertop which made me realize how filthy it was, so I cleaned it and then painted some crates for the top of the hutch. You may notice I ran out of paint, but I'm choosing to think it creates a charming vintage look rather than an unfinished one. I'm not sure how I'll end up using my new storage space, but I sure am excited about the possibilities.

For my next trick, I'm going to turn our beautiful(and largely unused) wine rack into a shoe rack for the entryway. I bought the orchid in the first picture to go on top of the rack because my other plan is to turn everyday ordinary spots into little altars of beauty. The shoe rack certainly doesn't need to have an orchid on it to function, but I don't think it will mind the sprucing up.
1 comment:
Interesting about the study! I've always felt this was a little secret of mine, but apparently it has scientific evidence to back it up. Ever since I was young I used to love to re-arrange my room (and much to the chagrin of my parents, sometimes the rest of the house) especially when I was feeling stressed or sad. It never has failed to perk me up. I look at some people's homes that haven't changed in 10, 20, or 30 years and I always wonder how they could go for so long without a refreshing change. Although certainly some people appreciate the stability of it (my husband, for example, doesn't find it so bad) but often, those people will comment on how they wished they had painted this room, or re-done this bathroom...etc. and I have realized they didn't feel they had the power to get up and just DO IT. Again, I know I will never have this problem - if anything I can get pushy if I want something done and it goes for too long.
Anyway, thanks for sharing. Your entry way looks lovely...I especially like the wine rack/shoe storage idea. You need another girl in the house ;)
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