Matteas comforting Daddy in his sickness.

Matteas' favorite game is to find objects around the house, turn them over and use them as step stools.

His other favorite game is to dump out ALL the dishwasher detergent and then load it all up again.

This is how I bought myself time to make dinner the other night. It didn't last as long as I'd hoped, but long enough to butcher a whole chicken and get it in the oven.
Aaron isn't feeling much better, and I'm feeling worse. The boys still seem to be doing alright, but I'm worried that my "mild" version of Aaron's cold was really just a slow descent into hell. I've been making soup with homemade chicken stock and hot ginger-lemon-honey-cayenne teas, which have all been very comforting but so far not terribly effective. I've been appreciating the stormy weather we've been having, it's so much cozier to be sick when it's windy and raining. I'm looking forward to spring though. A few days ago Jack and I shelled some peas for dinner, and a few of the bigger ones were sprouting. We put them in some dirt and I've been watering them, watching their progress on my kitchen windowsill. The sprouts have now emerged from the dirt and will sprout leaves soon, so hopefully the crazy spontaneous snow we've been having stops and we can put our little pea plants in the ground.
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