Artistic Expression
Last week Jack's friend Lani came up to visit and we had some quality art time. We stripped the kids down to their diapers after dinner and turned the kitchen floor into a finger-painting circus. Lani was more interested in eating the paint and applying it to her body rather than the paper, and Jack wanted to free-style everything with little regard for the finished product. We compromised and made a few pretty pictures and the rest I let him just smear the paint to his heart's content; I think he enjoyed the feel of the paint on his fingers more than he made a visual connection with it on paper. Still, I think we have a pretty cute little gallery on our kitchen wall now. We made a choo-choo train together which Jack added some personal touches to; he let me guide his fingers really carefully the whole time, then he decided to streak the paint on the wheels to create the illusion of steam and a sense of motion(Jack's words, not mine). Jack and Lani also thought the green bathwater was pretty cool.
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