Wednesday, January 3, 2007

We tried making a gingerbread house yesterday. I'm sorry to say that the kit I purchased was of inferior quality as every single piece of gingerbread was severely warped. Undaunted, we decided to proceed anyway, mostly because the boys wanted to put frosting and candy on SOMETHING. It was a complete and disastrous success yielding less-than-pleasing visual results but LOTS of giggling. Tristan and I took turns holding the walls while Briana frosted vigorously in the hopes that we could keep the thing together with sugar and will-power. I finally ended up just throwing candy at it, which the kids really liked. We decided it wasn't worthy to be called a gingerbread house so Tristan named it the "Holiday Hobo House," saying that our "house" was so crappy only bums would want to live in it.

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