We have been busy. Busy with Christmas, relatives, travels, recovery, colds, parties, more recovery, and cleaning. Both a lack of it and occasional spurts of it. The above picture is of Aaron's parents, brothers, Aunt Sandy(Sonia's sister) and Uncle Dan, their two daughters Rachel and Amanda, son-in-law Chuck(married to Rachel) and Chuck and Rachel's four kids: Hannah, Levi, Aden and Ellie. We drove up to Steveston, Canada to visit the day after Christmas. Dan and Sandy also have a son and daughter-in-law, Avi and Wendy, who couldn't make it. Jack had a great time playing with his cousins, especially Eli, who is charmingly bossy and
ridiculously cute.

Jack and Eli sharing some dessert under the dining room table, where they played most of the evening.

Everyone loved Matteas, especially Eli.

Matteas under the Christmas tree. He was too excited to sleep, so he kept me compnay while I wrapped presents and we watched Midnight Mass at the Cathedral on TV.

Christmas morning breakfast. We had fresh fruit, The Dish, and sticky buns.

Jack in his Christmas jammies enjoying some fishy crackers out of his stocking.

This is Ingrid. She is special for many reasons, but she is especially dear because she named Matteas. And she speaks French to him, which he seems to understand perfectly.

We went downtown to see the trains in the Macy's window again, although it was a little trickier than last year when we had only one kid and three adults on the trip.

This is what happens when you have eleven children in your house and you ignore them for five minutes so you can eat dinner. We needed new toothbrushes anyway.

Presumably, this clever disguise was intended to hide the naughtiness with the toothbrushes.

Three sisters, twelve years, eleven kids. We're not totally insane yet, so I feel that we're doing well. Things got a little crazy that day, and after an hour or two of screaming Briana and I took ten of the kids to the park while Moira stayed behind with sleeping Adam and cleaned the kitchen. It took a while to assemble all the kids, find coats and shoes, and get out the door. As soon as we did, it started raining. But we pressed on, and after an hour of running around in the cold rain we brought the kids back for a nice warm tea party and spaghetti dinner. It's good to have family. Crazy, but very good.