Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The picture doesn't do it justice. On Sunday after church Aaron and I were both starving, and Jack conveniently fell asleep in the car and stayed that way after we got home and put him bed so we got to cook brunch together. We proceeded to make the most amazing huevos rancheros I've ever experienced. We didn't just eat them, we experienced them. We even made our own pico de gillo and since we were both working it only took about fifteen minutes from start to finish. I'm 13 weeks pregnant today, and I can feel a definite shift away from queasiness. I still love my fruit, but I'm able to drink coffee and I'm making dinner every night again which feels really nice. I've been appreciating my role in our house lately and really enjoying the "ordinary" things in life, like giving Jack a bath at the end of the day, putting clean sheets on our bed and making tasty food. Having other people live with us has made me realize more and more how much the woman of the house sets the atmosphere of the household, and it's both high-pressure and high-reward. On days when I'm grumpy, Jack is cranky and the older guys tiptoe around me. On days when I'm happy, everyone is obviously more cheerful and relaxed. I think it's really cute how sensitive men are to a woman's mood, but it makes me feel guilty for being grumpy sometimes.

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